Tag: Xianxia

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 70

    Chapter 70 Zhu Lin looked at the person who was rushing over, and saw Qiao Tangtang was in a mess, with a crazy expression on her face. While avoiding Qiao Tangtang’s sloppy attack, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Qiao Tangtang. Does Qiao Tangtang know that she is the one who sprinkle the Hell…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 69

    Chapter 69 After dinner, the Silverline Squad went back to their tent to sleep, and Zhu Lin also went back to her tent. Under Long Shengyu’s persistent gaze, she let him join her. It didn’t matter to her because instead of sleeping, she was meditating. With Tu Tu accompanying him, Long Shengyu stayed by her…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 68

    Chapter 68 Coming out of Qiao Tangtang’s tent, Zhu Lin went back to find Long Shengyu. When she got close to him, she saw him stroking Tu Tu’s soft fur with a dazed expression on his handsome face. Quietly approaching him, she patted his shoulder from behind. Before she could react, he grabbed her hand…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 67

    Chapter 67 Inside the military vehicle, Zhu Lin and Long Shengyu sat together in the back row, as she watched her rabbit playing with him happily. Quan Yun, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around and looked at the little rabbit acting like a baby with a stranger, and asked, “Sister Lin, who…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 66

    Chapter 66 After Long Shengyu whispered out that sentence, they fell into silence again. Zhu Lin called Tu Tu as her mind became clearer. [Tu Tu, come out.] The white rabbit heard her master’s call and looked up at the sky of Zhu Lin’s inner palace. β€œYes, master.” Putting down what she was holding, Tu…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 65

    Chapter 65 Long Xiyin stood in front of Long Shengyu, feeling very guilty that he couldn’t even lift his head. Although he wasn’t the one who kidnapped Long Shengyu, it was his father who actually did it and the reason is him. When he knew the truth before, he almost killed his father and himself…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 64

    Chapter 64 Ye Yu turned around, and saw a very handsome man staring at him with hostile eyes. He thought about it, and knew that he had never seen this man before or offended him, but he gave him that kind of hostile look right now. Knowing that this was their first meeting, Ye Yu…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 63

    Chapter 63 The moment the zombie bird saw those humans, its shrill cry resounded through the sky. Zhu Lin covered her ears and reminded others. “Cover your ears! It has sound abilities!” Her reminder came in time, but there were still some supernatural beings who were not fast enough to cover their ears and fell…

  • Immortal in The apocalypse – 62

    Chapter 62 The next day, the convoy packed up their tents and prepared to continue on the road. Just as Zhu Lin woke up from her meditation, she heard a commotion not far away. She jumped off the car roof lightly to see what was going on. Just as she expected from Ye Yu’s behavior…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 61

    Chapter 61 Inside the RV, the atmosphere was tense as no one dared to speak. After Zhu Lin went in, she saw six people sitting around a low table full of food without moving. With a light cough, she silently walked to the low table and sat beside Huo Bai. She followed the others’ lead…