Tag: Zombie

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 03

    Chapter 3 Tu Tu jumped off Zhu Lin’s shoulders, scolding them as Zhu Lin stored the nuclei inside her inner palace. “Sneered at my master?! Did she forget that the master just saved their lives?! So angry!” Chuckled at her rabbit’s big anger, Zhu Lin shook her head helplessly. It seems that she needs to train…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 02

    Chapter 2 When Zhu Lin looked back, she saw a group of people running towards her, followed by a group of living corpses. Tu Tu couldn’t help disdain seeing those humans running away from the slow-moving corpses. “Humans are really greedy for life and afraid of death. They can easily kill those lowly corpses by…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 01

    Chapter 1 “…ter… Master! Master, wake up!” Feeling a soft paw on her face, Zhu Lin frowned. Her body hurts like being crushed by a mountain, and she can’t feel any divine energy in her dantian. “Master!” “I heard you.” She said with a hoarse voice. She opened her eyes and saw a soft white…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse – 00

    Prologue Dark thunderclouds hover in the sky, turning the bright sky into darkness. The same phenomenon occurs in the Mortal Realm, the Immortal Realm, and the Celestial Realm. Mortals looked up at the occasional lightning strike in the dark thundercloud, feeling the fear that had seized their souls. “God is angry! God is angry!” “Forgive…

  • Immortal in The Apocalypse INDEX

    Author : 艷秋風 (Colorful Autumn Wind) Immortal in The Apocalypse – 00 Immortal in The Apocalypse – 01 Immortal in The Apocalypse – 02 Immortal in The Apocalypse – 03 Immortal in The Apocalypse – 04 Immortal in The Apocalypse – 05 Immortal in The Apocalypse – 06 Immortal in The Apocalypse – 07 Immortal in The…