Immortal in The Apocalypse – 77

Chapter 77

Early the next morning, Zhu Lin woke up from her meditation, but she didn’t see Long Shengyu. Seeing that it was still a while before dawn, she stood up from the bed. Taking out a spiritual plum from her warehouse, she took a bite, and a wave of spiritual energy circled her body, which made her feel warm.

On the way to the forest path, she ate two more spiritual plums. Following the forest path, she left the bamboo forest area leisurely. After walking for a few minutes, she saw people running frantically around her.

Out of curiosity, she followed them to the entrance of the north gate not far from the bamboo forest area. The closer she gets to the north gate, the more crowded it becomes. Walking among the crowd, she saw Long Shengyu standing not far from her.

“Ah Yu.” She called him with a smile on her lips.

Hearing her soft voice calling him from behind, Long Shengyu turned around and saw her walking out from the crowd. Leaving Ye Yu and Long Xiyin who were still talking, he approached her in a few steps.

He held her hand, looked at her tenderly, and asked, “How did you come out? Have you had breakfast?”

Looking up at him, she said, “I just ate some plums.”

Hearing what she said, he frowned and said, “Don’t eat fruit in the morning. It’s not good for your health.”


Before he could say more, Ye Yu’s voice came. “Xiao Lin, you’re here.”

Looking past Long Shengyu, she saw Ye Yu and the members of the Dawn Squad. At this moment, their faces are not looking very good. Following their line of sight, she was stunned when she saw Wei Ziming who was tightly tied there.

Blinking a few times, she came back to her senses, only to see a faint devil energy coming from his right forearm. As she approached Wei Ziming, her face darkened. Crouching down, she watched as the wound on his arm began to fester and the flesh around the wound began to rot.

“It’s okay.”

Hearing Wei Ziming’s hoarse and weak voice, she raised her head and saw his pale face covered with cold sweat. Looking back at his right forearm, she saw the devil energy in the air seeping into his body from the wound continuously. Following the movement of the devil energy, she saw that the destination of that devil energy was the spirit core located at his upper dantian.

Looking at the speed of the spreading, she frowned and asked, “How long has he been infected?”

“Forty minutes.” Chen Xiaoxian answered her with a gloomy voice.

After getting the answer, she didn’t speak, but stretched out her hand and pulled the devil energy in the form of a thread attached to Wei Ziming’s wound lightly.


Hearing Wei Ziming’s low groan, she raised her eyes to look at him. Staring at him intently, she tugged stronger on the devil energy thread again.


Seeing his painful expression, she let go of the devil energy thread and looked back at Ye Yu. “Do you have a closed room? Take him there.”

Ye Yu stared at her serious expression for a few seconds, then turned to look at Chen Xiaoxian, and asked, “What do you think?”

Looking at Wei Ziming’s painful expression, Chen Xiaoxian knew that the infection was spreading faster than before. He nodded and said, “Okay.”

With his permission, Long Xiyin bent down, carried the weak Wei Ziming, and said, “Lead the way.”

“Follow me.”

After Ye Yu finished speaking, he walked towards the closest hospital building, followed by the rest of the Dawn Squad and Zhu Lin. Long Shengyu, who was left behind, looked at her back and sighs, then followed them to the hospital building. Walking in a hurry, they arrived at the hospital building in less than five minutes.

Before Ye Yu could lead the way, Zhu Lin entered the building and found an empty room in the corner of the corridor. Seeing that the room was empty, she entered the room and said, “Put him down quickly.”

Long Xiyin put Wei Ziming on the operating table and stepped aside. Seeing that they were still surrounding her and Wei Ziming, she glanced at them and said, “Go out.”

After receiving her rare and strict order, several people came back to their senses and walked out of the room, except for Long Shengyu. Before she could speak, he had already said, “I will not leave you.”

Looking at his stubborn face, she nodded. “Close the door for me. No matter what happens, don’t let anyone in.”


Knowing that he would guard her, she turned her attention back to Wei Ziming again. The infection has now spread to his upper arm. Looking around, she found some straps and tied him to the operating table.


Wei Ziming let out a painful groan, but he also kept awake with the help of the pain. He looked at Zhu Lin’s serious face and said weakly: “It’s okay. From the first day I decided to join the team, I was ready for today. Fortunately, I can still see my friends for the last time.”

Seeing that Zhu Lin didn’t answer him, he smiled and continued: “I’m sorry, Zhu Lin. But… Can you kill me before I turn into a zombie? I want to at least die as a human.”

Hearing what he just said, she lifted her eyes from his wound and stared at him. After a short silence, she spoke in a firm tone.

“I will definitely save you.”

Hearing the determination in her voice, he smiled and said, “It’s my good fortune to meet you.”

Zhu Lin looked at his eyes that were starting to lose focus, and took out a glass of her divine spring water. Pinching his chin to open his mouth, she poured the divine spring water into his mouth slowly. After he finished drinking the divine spring water, she looked at his wound again.

Staring at the wound for a while, she noticed that the rate of the devil energy spreading was slower than before. A few seconds later, the divine energy from the divine spring water he had just drank slowly pushed the devil energy in his body back to the wound.

‘It really works. Indeed, to fight against devil energy, I need to use divine energy.’

After observing the devil energy and divine energy entangled for a few minutes, she didn’t see any more improvement. With too little divine energy, it was impossible to completely dispel the devil energy from his body. After pondering for a few seconds, she closed her eyes and searched her inner palace.

After searching for a while, she finally saw the forgotten Thunder Tree in a corner of her inner palace. She moved them into a corner and forgot about them, because of the violent purple lightning and divine power emanating from those trees. It was really lucky that she decided to leave them there in the past.

Looking at the small hills planted with Thunder Trees and the violent purple lightning aura that covered them, she picked one leaf from the Thunder Tree. Opening her eyes, she looked at the leaf in her palm exuding purple lightning sparks. The leaves are bigger than her palm, and silvery in color with a purple lining on the edge of the leaf.


After holding the leaf for a while, her hands were numb from the purple lightning spark. With both hands, she squeezed the leaves of the Thunder Tree into a paste and covered Wei Ziming’s wound with it. The moment the paste touched the wound, his eyes suddenly opened and he let out a scream.


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