Immortal in The Apocalypse – 71

Chapter 71

11:37 p.m. Night Base.

Ye Yin stood on the base’s wall and directed the Ye family’s soldiers to defend the wall. This wall is their last line of defense. If this wall falls, everyone behind him will be obliterated. He gritted his teeth, drew more energy from his spirit core, and summoned a thundercloud to wipe out a group of zombies who wanted to climb the wall.

Behind him, Ao Siyu couldn’t hold on any longer, and knelt down on the ground panting heavily. Ye Yin looked at his pale face and shouted at the soldiers.

“Drag him back!”

Ao Siyu stood up from the ground with much difficulty and said, “I can still do it. Go back to your post!”

The soldiers hesitated for a moment. Seeing another wave of zombies coming, they nodded and rushed back to their posts, continuing to defend the wall from the incoming zombies. Ye Yin glared at Ao Siyu, and another lightning bolt killed a bunch of zombies in one fell swoop.

“Ao Siyu! Retreat now! It’s an order!”

Ao Siyu ignored Ye Yin’s order, raised his hand and closed his eyes. He maximized his mental ability, created a mental barrier to prevent zombies from approaching the wall, and reduced the burden on the wall. A few minutes later, he fell to the ground again, blood seeping out from the corner of his lips.

Wiping the blood, he clenched his hands tightly. After defending the base’s wall without a break for three days, he felt that his head would explode in the next second. Ye Yin stood by his side, gritted his teeth and shouted at the soldiers.

“Drag him back now!”

“Yes, sir!”

This time, the soldiers ignored Ao Siyu’s protest because they could see the anger in Ye Yin’s eyes. After sending the stubborn Secretary Ao back, Ye Yin concentrated on guarding the base’s wall. The battle continued for another two days, and more and more zombies came like a flood.

Just when he was exhausted from drained ability, and his head buzzed, the soldiers suddenly shouted excitedly.

“It’s the Second Young Master!”

“Young Master Ye Yu is back!”

Lifting his tired eyes, Ye Yin saw a long row of military vehicles approaching at fast speed, and a smile finally appeared on his pale face. A second later, he felt the darkness slowly devouring him as his body staggered, and fell into the sea of zombies below. He looked at his younger brother and moved his lips, but amidst the roar of the zombies, no one could hear what he said.

On the roof of the military vehicle, Ye Yu felt his heart tighten as he watched his elder brother fall off the wall.


Seeing Ye Yin’s body slowly falling into the zombies below the base’s wall, his eyes shrank, but the distance was too far for him to do anything. In the next second, he saw Long Shengyu appearing behind his elder brother, grabbed his limp body, and disappeared in midair. When the space distorted, they reappeared on top of the wall.

Seeing Long Shengyu put the unconscious Ye Yin on the ground, he was relieved. Raising his head, he looked at the zombies around the base, as his eyes turned cold. Without waiting for others, he drew his swords tied on his back and rushed towards the sea of zombies.

Standing on the roof of the car in the middle of the convoy, Zhu Lin saw Ye Yu rushing towards the zombies. Patting Tu Tu lightly on the head, she said, “Let’s help your Brother Ye Yu.”

“Yes, master!”

Summoning her sword, she telepathically converses with Huoyan.

[Huoyan, you stay and guard the convoy. Make sure no zombies can approach the vehicles.]

As soon as she finished speaking, Huoyan’s energetic voice came. [Understood.] 

The sword energy runs through her meridians, as she activates the immortal arts light step technique and leaps forwards. Shuang saw her passing by him with Tu Tu on her shoulder, and he followed. Lifting his hands to his back, he pulled out his spine without changing his face. A second later, the ice bone turned into a long ice spear.

Zhu Lin scanned the battlefield and saw Ye Yu fighting alone among the zombies not far from the base’s wall. His black combat uniform has been soaked in the blood of the zombies, and the color has become darker, but the light in his eyes has become sharper by the second. Where his sword slashed, countless thunderbolts descended from the sky.

The more zombies he kills, the lower the temperature in the area will be. Not long after, the bright sky was shrouded in thick thunderclouds, and the deafening thunder reverberated around, making people tremble with fear. While observing the movement of the zombies, Zhu Lin found a familiar red dress among the zombies.

In the next second, she saw the zombie in red dress rushing over towards Ye Yu who was not paying attention to his back.

“Ye Yu! Watch out!”

Stepping on the zombies’ heads, she used the highest speed of her immortal arts technique and rushed towards Ye Yu. It’s a pity that she was too far away, and the speed of the zombie in the red dress was too fast. Ye Yu heard her warning, turned around, and saw a pair of excited eyes looking at him with distinct madness.


Raising his sword to block the zombie’s attack, Ye Yu was ready to take the damage. After waiting for a few seconds, he still didn’t feel the expected pain. Looking up, she saw Zhu Lin holding a long sword in front of her facing the zombie in red dress. In front of her was a handsome man with ice horns on his head, and in front of him was Long Shengyu.

He was dumbfounded when he saw the three people standing in front of him, blocking the attack of the zombie in red dress. Zhu Lin glanced at him, grabbed his hand, and threw him to the wall.

“Shuang, protect the wall.”

“Yes, master.”

Shuang accepted her order, soared into the air, grabbed Ye Yu who was thrown away by Zhu Lin in the mid-air, and jumped towards the wall. In front of her, Long Shengyu and Su Yueniang looked at each other. Su Yueniang was furious when she saw her target run away. Staring at Zhu Lin and Long Shengyu angrily, she let out a terrifying roar.


With her roar, the zombies around the base became restless. They ignored the attacks of soldiers and ability users, and rushed towards the wall. Long Shengyu glanced at the zombies’ movements, and said calmly: “Lin’er, go help them, I’ll deal with this one.”

She looked at his calm expression and nodded. “Be careful.”


She glanced at Su Yueniang again, and rushed towards the wall with Tu Tu. Long Shengyu saw Zhu Lin running to the wall and looked back at Su Yueniang. Seeing her struggling to break free from his space control, he stared coldly at her red eyes.

“It seems that if I don’t destroy everything, they won’t stop.”

Hearing his words, Su Yueniang stopped struggling, stared at his red eyes with her own, and roared angrily a second later.


Accompanied by that roar, the fierce battle between humans and zombies continued.

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