Immortal in The Apocalypse – 72

Chapter 72

A few hours after Ye Yu and the others arrived at the Night Base, the fierce battle still continued. With Ye Yu and Shuang guarding the base’s wall, and Zhu Lin cleaning up the zombies at the entrance of the base, the long convoy safely entered the base under the protection of Huoyan. After the last car entered the base and the soldiers closed the gate, Huoyan rushed towards Zhu Lin.

“Master! I’m coming!”

Lifting his hand towards his back, he pulls out his spine, and in the next second, the fire bone turns into a fire whip in his hand. Looking at his excited twin brother, Shuang looked at Ye Yu and said, “I’ll leave this place to you.”


Seeing Ye Yu nodding in agreement, his calm expression changed, and a crazy look appeared on his handsome face. Turning the ice spear in his hand, he jumped from the high wall and rushed towards Zhu Lin’s position.

“Master, Shuang is coming!”

Seeing Shuang’s completely different expression, Ye Yu couldn’t help but glance at Zhu Lin. He is really curious  about her way of choosing her friends. While Ye Yu was still busy with his own guesses, Long Shengyu was staring at Su Yueniang.

After Su Yueniang was captured by those well trained soldiers, she was locked in a secret laboratory as an experimental subject. Infused with a mysterious red liquid, her mental abilities become stronger for a short time. Inside the crystal nuclei inside her brain, there is a red liquid rotating. After being injected with the mysterious red liquid, her sanity became clear, but she couldn’t resist those people’s orders.

This time, her order was to destroy the Night Base and capture her father, Su Yintian. Su Yueniang stared at the man floating in the air, straight at his pair of red eyes. He has the same eyes as hers, but he’s human. Angry at this unfair fate, she roared up to the sky, with long and sharp claws,she rushed towards Long Shengyu.


Looking at the zombie rushing towards him with hatred, Long Shengyu raised his palm calmly facing Su Yueniang. Before the sharp nails touched his eyes, Su Yueniang’s body seemed to be supported by something, as she stopped in mid-air. Feeling the tightness all over her body, Su Yueniang struggled to escape.

“Roar! Roar!!”

Long Shengyu looked at her without emotions and slowly closed his palms. As he closed his palm, the sound of bones breaking resounded in the air.


Su Yueniang’s body slowly deformed under the pressure of the invisible space. When Long Shengyu’s palms were completely closed, her body was crushed beyond recognition. No one knows if it was her luck or misfortune that she was a zombie, as she still survived after her body was crushed to pieces.

Loosening his clenched palms, Long Shengyu saw Su Yueniang’s body fall to the ground piece by piece. Her lower body was crushed, while she lay on the ground and crawled towards the wall where Ye Yu was standing, only with half of her upper body still intact. Long Shengyu raised his eyebrows, looked towards the wall, and saw Ye Yu fighting the zombies.

Looking down, he saw that Su Yueniang was still crawling towards Ye Yu, leaving long bloodstains behind. No one knew what he was thinking at this time with his eyes covered by long eyelashes, as he calmly watched Su Yueniang crawl towards the wall.


Hearing someone call her name, Su Yueniang stopped crawling and raised her head. The moment she saw the person standing on the wall looking at her with tears on his face, her red eyes trembled slightly. Moving her hands, she crawled even harder towards the wall, while letting out a series of roars.


Standing on the base’s wall, Su Yintian saw his daughter slowly crawling towards him. Although he knew that his daughter had turned into a zombie when the toxic acid rain changed most of the survivors, he believed that his daughter still recognized him, and he couldn’t give up on her. Unable to restrain the pain in his heart, Su Yintian shouted at his daughter.

“Yueniang! Run away!”


Along with the roar, his daughter’s voice came into his mind.

[Dad, it’s nice to see you for the last time. Although I couldn’t accompany you as promised, I know that as long as you follow Brother Yu, you will be fine. Dad, please tell him I love him. I’m sorry to leave first. Please live well for me too.]

After saying that, Su Yueniang searched around for Zhu Lin. When she saw the beautiful woman moving like a fairy among the zombies, away from the filth of the world, the hatred in her heart could not be suppressed anymore. Because of this woman, her life was ruined. She hates her!

Clenching her hands tightly, Su Yueniang gathered all her mental ability and directed it towards Zhu Lin, together with her murderous intent. She was sure that as long as this attack hit Zhu Lin, she would die. It’s a pity that she doesn’t know that the man floating in the air watching her is someone with a stronger mental ability than her.

The moment Long Shengyu saw her compressed her mental ability, he already knew what she was going to do. Before Su Yueniang’s attack could touch Zhu Lin, Long Shengyu appeared in Zhu Lin’s back in a flash. Raising his hand, he surrounded Su Yueniang in his space void. As soon as his palm was closed, the void shrank instantly, and disappeared together with Su Yueniang.


Su Yintian watched his daughter disappear in front of his eyes, and collapsed on the ground, weeping bitterly for his daughter’s miserable life. Standing not far away, Ye Yu saw him howling and motioned for the soldiers to take him back. After Su Yueniang disappeared, the zombies lost their commander and moved instinctively.

Without a commander, the attacks of those zombies are easy to predict and lack coordination. Not long after, under the massacre of Long Shengyu, Zhu Lin, Ye Yu, the twin Qilins and ability users, the zombie tide ended with heavy price from human’s side. Standing in the middle of the battlefield, Zhu Lin calmly looked at the sea of ​​corpses scattered on the ground in front of her.

Standing on her side, Long Shengyu held her hand and said, “Let’s go.”


She looked at the busy little rabbit and said, “Come back after picking up the crystal nuclei.”

“Yes, master.”

Leaving the little white rabbit and the twins to pick up the crystal nuclei, she and Long Shengyu walked to the gate of the base. Seeing them approaching, Ye Yu jumped off the wall. Holding the bloody swords, he looked at her. After making sure she was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Long Shengyu could not help frowning when he saw that he was clearly worried about Zhu Lin. Not knowing that his concern for Zhu Lin was misunderstood, Ye Yu looked at Long Shengyu and said, “Thank you for saving my Brother’s.”

He then turned to look at Zhu Lin and said, “You look very tired. I have already asked Wuhan to prepare a house. We can live there after a little tidying up.”


Hearing Long Shengyu’s cold voice, Ye Yu and Zhu Lin looked at him. Not knowing why he acted like he wanted to kill Ye Yu, Zhu Lin said, “Yes. I’m always living with them because we are a team.”

His brows furrowed deeper, and he said, “You can’t anymore.”

Observing their interaction quietly, Ye Yu guessed their relationship at a glance. Smiling at Zhu Lin, he said, “It’s okay. I will prepare another house for you. You can stay with him.”

“There is no..”


Before she had time to reject Ye Yu, Long Shengyu had already thanked him and pulled her away. Ye Yu stood on the spot and looked at their retreating figures, a little envious. Would he have the same happiness if she was still alive?

Shaking his head, he suppressed the thought and went to clean the battlefield. They need to burn all humans and zombie corpses before their blood pollutes the air and soil any further, and lure more zombies and mutants. There were many things to do, and he quickly forgot those hidden thoughts.

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