The Apocalypse Merchant – 20

Chapter 20

2:49 a.m. Diyu Base, Special Force barrack.

After returning from the night market, Shi Mu went directly to his room. Pushing open the door, he saw seven other people in the room, chatting and relaxing. Seeing that his teammates were in high spirits, he walked to her bunk bed and put the remaining smoke ice cocktail in his private drawer.

After making sure he locked the drawer securely, he picked up the small towel at the end of the bed and went out. Although they had only limited access to drinking water, they were given enough water for clean up. Walking to the public bathroom, Shi Mu fetched half a basin of water and wiped his body with a small towel.

After rubbing vigorously for a long time, he smelled his body and found that there was no more unpleasant smell. Then he washed his feet with the water and poured it into a large water tank outside the public bathroom. After a simple wash, he returned to his room in a good mood. Pursing his lips, he pushed the door and entered with a smile on his face.

Before his good mood could stay longer, his face darkened when he saw the things his teammates were holding. He threw the wet little towel at them, growling.

“Your mother! What do you think you are doing?! Give it back to Laotzu!”

The last drop of his treasure went into the captain’s stomach as he rushed towards the others with his arms outstretched.


Grabbing the empty plastic glass, his heart felt as empty as the glass. His heart tightened as he crushed the empty plastic glass, and he glared at everyone. “Why do you drink my stuff without asking?!”

The other six smiled awkwardly, but his captain was still sitting calmly on his own bed. Seeing his captain’s calm face, Shi Mu said unhappily. “Captain, you say it.”

Gu Ren coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and said, “Uh… When you went out, we smelled a really good smell. After scanning the area, we found the target. “

Shi Mu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and asked, “Then you killed the target completely?”

“… Yeah.”

Shi Mu put the empty plastic glass on the table and said loudly, “Pay me!”

Lin Fei glanced at the crushed plastic glass and asked, “How to pay?”


Shi Mu couldn’t answer him immediately. How to pay? He couldn’t find the young woman, so he couldn’t tell them to buy him the same drink. Tell them to make one? He dared not drink what they made. That’s if they can make one.

Seeing that Shi Mu was at a loss, Gu Ren said, “By the way, where did you get this drink?”

When his question came, the other six people also stared at Shi Mu in unison, waiting for his answer. Feeling the pressure from their eyes, he said, “Given to me by a young woman.”

“A young woman? Your lover?” Qin Zuo asked with his arms around Shi Mu’s neck.

“Go go go! What lover? I gave her some information and she gave it to me in return. “He said while pushing Qin Zuo away.

“What information?” Gu Ren asked.

Shi Mu rubbed his chin, recalled his conversation with Murong Jiao, and said, “She said she wanted to open a stall, but she didn’t know how to start and asked me if there were any rules or documents that she needed to prepare first.”

“Then what’s your answer?” Gu Ren asked again.

“I just told her she could lay out a cloth and open her stall. There’s nothing she needs to prepare in advance.” He replied with a shrug.

After getting an important piece of information, Lin Fei suddenly stood up. “I’m going out.”

Qin Zuo looked at him and asked, “Where do you want to go? It’s almost dawn.”

Glancing at his dumb face, he said as he walked. “Look for that young woman.”

The door was closed while the seven people in the room looked at each other, and rushed out one after another.

“Hey, wait for us!” While chasing Lin Fei, Shi Mu shouted at Lin Fei’s back.


3.15 a.m. Diyu Base, night market.

Murong Jiao sat on the small stool, feeling bored. She has been sitting here for more than an hour, but no one has passed by here. Looking at her desolate stall, she sighed and stood up.

After tidying up the simple stall, she looked at the four samples in the tray. Although she kept changing the ice, the food spoiled quickly in the hot temperatures. With the ice box strap slung across her body, she carried a tray full of ice cubes with four portions of food on top of it, and walked towards the crowded area.

‘That’s right. Let’s just lower the price a bit. As long as I can sell some of it, I consider it a success.’

With the mentality that failure is also a good learning experience, Murong Jiao walked towards the center of the night market with a tray. After walking for a while, she found an open space not far from the entrance of the night market, and opened the small folded stool.

Put down the ice box and use it as a table, she put the tray on it, and said: “Chill silky pudding~ Three contribution for one cup~ Cool and crunchy chicken salad for the hungry~ Eight contribution for a portion~”

When her clear voice came, many people looked at her tray and saw four mouth watering dishes on the ice. Not long after, a cleanly dressed man walked up to her stall and asked, “How do you sell it?”

Seeing that someone was finally willing to ask, she smiled and said, “A cup of silk pudding is three contribution points. A portion of chicken salad for eight contribution points. A portion of chicken salad sandwich for ten contribution points. A glass of smoke ice cocktail for fifteen contribution points.”

When the man heard her price, he frowned and wanted to leave, but she quickly said: “I can guarantee that the taste is really delicious. Moreover, the ingredients are very fresh! If you buy now, I will give you a discount, because you are the first customer.”

The man hesitated for a moment, but glanced at the food on her tray, and the sound of swallowing was clearly visible. He coughed to hide his embarrassment, and said, “Can I buy half of it?”

She smiled at him and said, “Although I didn’t sell half of it, I will give you half price. Which one do you want?”

Seeing that she was friendly and willing to give him a fifty percent discount, he pointed to the chicken salad. “I want chicken salad. Give me one.”

“Right away.”

She smiled and handed him one pack of chicken salad, and showed him her name tag. “Just give me four points.”

He took the plastic box from her and touched his name tag with her name tag. A beeping sound comes a second later. She looked at her name tag and found that a third series of numbers appeared below the serial number on the name tag. This is a ‘4’ number.

Seeing that her first transaction was successful, she said, “Thank you for your patronage. Please come again.”

After the customer left, she touched the name tag hanging around her neck and admired the person who designed the name tag. She didn’t know what material the name tag was made of, but she knew that there was a small chip in the center of the name tag. To be able to distribute this kind of high technology name tag to everyone, this base must be very rich.

Putting down the name tag, she picked up the ice tray and opened the lid of the ice box. She takes out a portion of cool and crunchy chicken salad, places it on a tray, and continues to sell her wares. After the first customer, her next customer is a sexy lady with red lipstick.

Seeing the next customer coming, she smiled and greeted her. “Hello, beautiful sister. Do you want to buy them?”

The woman looked at her tray filled with ice as her eyes flickering. Raising her hand, two men came up from behind her. They look like professional bodyguards. Seeing their actions, her eyes turned cold, but the corner of her mouth still kept a smile.

Seeing that she didn’t speak, the woman motioned to her bodyguard. Seeing what they were going to do, Murong Jiao was ready to shout loudly to attract patrolling soldiers. But before she let out a powerful roar, someone was a second faster than her.

“What are you doing?!”

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