The Apocalypse Merchant – 21

Chapter 21

A loud shout full of coercion came before the bodyguards had time to take a step closer to Murong Jiao. Looking in the direction of the voice, it was a familiar face. It was the soldiers she met at the mall.

Secretly relieved, she smiled and waved to him. Seeing that the petite woman was unharmed, Shi Mu waved at her. While the two waved to each other, Gu Ren walked to her stall.

He stood in front of her stall, shielding her at his back, and looked at the two burly bodyguards calmly. After being stared at by him, they turned to look at their employer. The sexy woman waved her hand lightly, and the bodyguards took a step back and stood behind her again.

Murong Jiao secretly glanced at them while standing at Gu Ren’s back, thinking what she should do if this woman insisted on making trouble for her. Should she close her stall? But she hasn’t started yet. She was not willing to give up like this.

While she was still in dilemma, Gu Ren looked at the woman and said, “Miss Cao, please don’t make trouble everywhere.”

Hearing Gu Ren’s words, Cao Baining’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. She raised her chin, opened her plump red lips, and said, “Captain Gu, a good dog doesn’t stand in people’s way.”


When Gu Ren’s teammates heard Cao Baining calling him a dog, they all gasped. This Commander Cao’s younger sister really has a poisonous mouth. Gu Ren watched Cao Baining proudly raise her chin in front of him without saying a word.

Looking back, he saw Murong Jiao was looking at them with great interest. Then he glanced down at her tray and saw the drink he likes lying on top of the ice. Thinking of the sweetness and fragrance of that glass of wine, he swallowed secretly.

Turning to face Cao Baining, he said calmly: “If Miss Cao wants to buy something, please be polite like a human being. If Miss Cao doesn’t want to buy, please don’t block the next customer.”


Just as he finished speaking, there was another round of gasping in the area. This time, even the onlookers cast admiring looks at Gu Ren. He dared to say that Commander Cao’s younger sister was not human. This Captain Gu really lived up to his reputation.

Cao Baining gnashed her teeth and said, “You dare!”

Seeing the rapid escalation of the situation, Murong Jiao stood up calmly. She looked at Cao Baining with a smile and said, “Pretty sister, do you want to buy my goods?”

Cao Baining looked at her smiling face and curled her lips. 

“I don’t want food. I want ice.” she said, pointing to the tray.


Seeing her embarrassed face, Cao Baining narrowed her eyes. “You won’t sell it to me?”

Murong Jiao scratched her chin lightly and said, “Sister, it’s not that I don’t want to sell it to you. But the ice has already half melted, so I can’t sell it to you.”

Knowing that she was not refusing to sell her ice cubes, Cao Baining looked at Murong Jiao, and her face softened a little. “No problem. Just sell me the ice as it is.”

Murong Jiao thought for a while and said, “I’m sorry sister. I can’t sell you ice.”

Hearing her refusal again, Cao Baining wanted to forcefully snatch her ice. But before she gave the order, Murong Jiao’s voice came again. “How about I give you half the amount of ice? I still need it to cool my food.”

“Give it to me?” Cao Baining asked with doubts in her eyes.

Murong Jiao smiled at her and nodded. “Yes. Ice is not for sale. But since my sister wants it, I will give it as a meeting gift. Although it has melted.”

Cao Baining stared at her face for a long while before saying, “Okay.”

“Please wait a moment, sister.”

Seeing that she agreed, Murong Jiao put down the tray from the top of the ice box and opened the ice box. She took out four packs of half-melted ice cubes from the ice box and closed the lid of the ice box. Standing up, she handed the four packs of ice to the bodyguard.

Seeing her give four packs at once, Cao Baining looked at Murong Jiao’s face with a little more tenderness. She raised her chin and said, “Thanks.”

Cao Baining flick her silky long hair, glanced at Murong Jiao again, and then left with the bodyguards. Murong Jiao heaved a sigh of relief after successfully passing the troublesome customer. Remembering that group of soldiers still standing there, she looked at them with a smile.

Looking at them, she said, “Thank you for your help just now.”

Gu Ren looked at the petite young woman in front of him and blushed, not knowing how to respond to her. Shi Mu approached the two of them and said, “Hey, we met again.”

“Yeah. Thanks for the help.”

Shi Mu waved his hand lightly and said, “You’re welcome.”

He looked down at the tray and asked, “How did you sell it?”

Seeing that they were coming as customers, Murong Jiao’s eyes lit up and her smile grew brighter. She picked up the tray and said, “A glass of chill silky pudding is three contribution points. A portion of cool and crunchy chicken salad is eight contribution points. A piece of blue cheese chicken salad sandwich is ten contribution points, One glass smoke ice cocktail is fifteen contribution points. Which one do you want?”

When they heard the price, they were surprised. Although her smoke ice cocktail is delicious, the glass is very small. The pricing for fifteen contribution points is very expensive. They can buy three meals with that much money.

Murong Jiao observed their reactions, and said with a smile: “You guys helped me with an accident just now, how about I give you a 50% discount. Besides, it’s almost dawn, and I need to close the stall in a while.”

Gu Ren thought for a while and said, “Give me four smoke ice cocktails, one chicken salad and one chicken sandwich.”

Getting a big order, she quickly prepares his order. “Please wait a moment.”

Because he bought a lot, she gave him a cup of pudding for free. Passing over the plastic bag containing his order, she said: “A total of thirty nine contribution points. I will give you more discounts because of your help. Just give me thirty five contribution points.”

After paying, he took the plastic bag from her hand and said, “Thank you.”

“Thank you for your patronage. Please come again.”

He took out a glass of smoke ice cocktail, walked to Shi Mu’s side, and handed him the glass. “For you.”

Looking at the expensive smoke ice cocktail, Shi Mu’s eyes lit up, and said, “Thank you, Captain!”

The other special forces were a little envious when they saw such a big purchase by their captain. Lin Fei looked at how much discount his captain had offered, and approached Murong Jiao’s stall. He pointed to the chicken sandwich and said, “Give me two chicken sandwiches, two puddings and a glass of the cocktail.”

“Please wait a moment.”

Quickly, she handed him the order. “Just pay me fifteen contribution points.”


The next transaction is done in no time. When she saw that the sun had come out, she said, “Sorry, I need to close the stall. Do you have any more to buy?”

“Me! I want two cocktails and two puddings.” Qin Zuo said hastily.

“Alright. It’s fifteen contribution points.”


Seeing that no one wanted to buy anymore, she tidied up the stall and said, “Thank you for your patronage. See you guys around.”

She waved to the eight people, turned around and left. Those who didn’t buy looked at the pudding in their hands, and couldn’t help but say, “Shi Mu, you must have saved a country in your previous life.”

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