The Apocalypse Merchant – 12

Chapter 12

“What the hell?”

Hearing the leader’s curse, the soldier raised his head and saw only an empty and broken shop in front of him. He was startled, and when he looked up, it was the same situation on the first floor of the shopping mall.

“Spread out and check every corner carefully.” The leader gave an order.

“Yes, sir!”

Fifty well trained soldiers quickly formed a two men team and went to check the situations. Thirty minutes later, they gathered on the ground floor with gloomy faces. Looking at the faces of his subordinates, the leader knew that they had seen the same scene as himself.

“It looks like there’s another group of people besides us collecting supplies. They didn’t even leave a piece of bread behind.”

With a flashlight in his mouth, the leader took out a map and began to examine it carefully. After a few minutes, he pointed to the map and took the flashlight out of his mouth. Still looking at the map, he said, “Let’s go here.”

The soldiers looked at the map and nodded. Although the next place is more dangerous, their mission must be completed anyway. Without saying a word, they left the mall. Not long after they left, Murong Jiao appeared behind the car. She stretched her neck and didn’t see  the five military trucks anymore.

“They must have left.”

After taking a comfortable bath, having dinner, and taking a nap, she came out of the spirit courtyard feeling refreshed and in a good mood. Seeing that the five trucks had pulled a lot of agro from the nearby zombies, she decided to follow their tracks. Her next goal is the hospital, but she dare not go alone. She really wants to get those modern equipment.

Although the apocalypse came in the middle of the night, the hospital was never empty. The nearest hospital has at least a few hundred staff, with more than one thousand doctors, nurses and paramedics. Excluding patients, the number of zombies can be roughly estimated.

If half the humans in the hospital turned into zombies, the chances of the rest of the humans surviving were slim. Because when she woke up after the apocalypse, the streets were already full of zombies eating people. Based on this alone, she knew that zombies woke up earlier than humans.

Given the number of zombies that will appear in the hospital when the apocalypse begins, it is really a slim chance for human beings to survive. Even if there is only one survivor, it is already super lucky. That’s why she will use these fifty strong men to clear the way for her.

With this plan, she took out an armored car with a silent engine. It was her luck to plunder the factory area. There is actually a factory that produces weapons and military vehicles.

Although there were only twenty military vehicles that she could get from the factory, there were quite a lot of weapons and bullets. It’s just that she can’t use them. So, she simply put them into the weapon room together with other weapons collected by her ancestors.

Getting into the armored vehicle, she starts the car and drives following the five truck tracks. With keen observation, after driving for a while, she finally found the five trucks. In order not to be discovered, she kept a moderate distance between them, and at the same time activated the camouflage system of the armored vehicle.

With the camouflage system activated, she doesn’t have to worry about those trucks finding her following them. It’s just that she thinks too much about this matter. The main purpose of these five trucks is to carry goods or people. It was not equipped with any detection system, and the soldiers could not detect her at this distance.

After tailgating five trucks for half an hour, she realized where they were going. They are going to the mall in the shopping district in the central area. Seeing more and more zombies being attracted by those five trucks, she lit a candle for them in her heart.

Although she knew that they were very powerful, their bullets were limited. As more and more zombies joined in the fun, she began to reconsider whether to continue to follow these people or not. Before she could make a decision, she saw those people start firing at the zombies that surrounded them.

She stopped the car and observed their situation calmly. When the truck is still moving, there are not many zombies that can keep up with the speed of the truck. But now they stopped, the sound of engines and gunfire attracting more and more zombies.

She looked at the scene before her and didn’t hold out much hope for them. A large group of zombies blocked their way, and two other groups of zombies approached from the left and right. And the zombies who followed them from the shopping mall before were right behind them. Shaking her head, she knew that it would be difficult for them to survive this zombie siege.

‘Can they survive this? Should I help?’

While she was still calculating their chances of surviving, she saw one of the soldiers take out a strangely shaped weapon from his backpack. The weapon is of medium length and has a small round tube that holds some liquid and is attached to the gun’s handle. The body of the gun was also different from the normal guns she knew. The shape is a cylindrical tube.

She stared intently at the man who raised the strange weapon and aimed towards the zombies. From a distance, she couldn’t see what liquid was in the tube. The next second, the man pulled the trigger, and a bright beam shot out from the weird muzzle, burning all the zombies along the way to ashes.

When she saw the power of that strange little gun, her mouth was opened in shock. After rubbing her eyes a few times, she looked ahead again. The man still calmly pulled the trigger, killing countless zombies in a short time.

‘What kind of weapon is that?’

Looking at the performance of the strange gun, she was intrigued. A few minutes later, the man killed all the zombies and put down his gun. While the man was talking to other people, she squinted her eyes and found that the liquid in the round tube had been reduced by half.

Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel, as she wondered what liquid it was. After ruling out all the chemicals she knew of, she was almost certain the fluid was a new type of bioweapon. However, she didn’t know who the maker of this strange weapon was. If given the chance, she would like to meet this genius.

Not knowing that she would regret her wish today, she calmly started the car and followed the trucks again. After seeing their performance, she finally decided to continue to follow them, and if possible, find a way to use them to open a way for her to go to the hospital.

An hour later, they reached the central district. With how many zombies there are, she shortens the distance between them for safety. She calmly enjoyed the smooth journey behind them, as the truck opened the way for her. She just needs to be careful while driving, avoiding the clutter, cars and potholes on the road.

As they passed a gas station, she waited behind bushes for soldiers to fill up their trucks. While waiting, she took out some meat buns that she had prepared earlier. She just realized today that her spirit courtyard can keep everything in the best condition. It’s very convenient. No wonder the items in the warehouse have remained intact through the generations.

When she took out the meat bun, it was still steaming. Biting the meat bun, her mouth was filled with the smell of meat and fragrant oil, and the delicious taste made her want to swallow her tongue. After eating the third meat bun, she saw five trucks coming out of the gas station.

From how deep the track was, she knew they had haul out several large tanks of gasoline from the gas station. Putting the remaining two meat buns back on the spirit couryard’s dining table, she started the car and followed the trucks. This time, the trucks didn’t stop until they reached the mall.

Seeing those men coming out of the trucks, she also got out of the military vehicle and parked it back to the warehouse. She hid behind an abandoned pickup truck and watched their movements. Seeing them start to clean up the zombies and enter the shopping mall, she sneaked behind them.

After a fierce battle, the soldiers finally entered the entrance of the mall. Smelling the pungent smell of countless zombies on the ground, she walked quickly into the mall while pinching her nose. This time, she didn’t follow them as usual. She mentally took out a piece of yellow paper with red drawings on it.

When she was waiting for these men to leave the mall before, she went to the warehouse to check out the items out of boredom. She casually looked at the names of those rooms, and the first time she saw the names on the 55th floor, she stopped.

The 55th floor is a talisman room. From the name of the room, she knew what was in the room. As curious as she used to be, she went to the talisman room and checked every drawer in the room. After spending hours going through the countless drawers, she couldn’t help but laugh.

The talisman she just took out is an invisibility talisman. As long as the talisman is attached to her body, she will become invisible. There was a happy smile on the corner of her mouth, as she stuck the talisman on her chest, and closed the leather jacket to prevent the talisman from falling off. In this way, the fifty soldiers unknowingly gained an invisible little follower.

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