The Apocalypse Merchant – 09

Chapter 9

When Murong Jiao came out from the spirit courtyard, the temperature was really too hot and the air was so dry that she almost fainted. She glanced at the watch on her left wrist. It was not yet six o’clock in the morning, but the temperature was already so hot. If she wants to check this area for animals, she has to act fast.

With temperatures rising by the day, she’s not sure if the animals will survive the heat. Although she could guess that after the end of the world, the animals had mutated, but if the temperature was too high, they still couldn’t survive.

She hid under the eaves, took out a hat and put it on before going out. Seeing that she walked a few steps and checked several houses, but there were still no traces of zombies or humans, she quickened her pace.

After checking several houses, she has already collected a bunch of ducks, geese, chickens, pigs, cows, sheep, goats and even some fish and sea animals. How lucky she was to get these unexpected gains by chance. Based on the fact that every household has livestock, she can guess that most of the residents in this area are livestock farmers.

Along the street, she carefully inspected each house, and occasionally went to her spirit courtyard to take a break. The hot weather and dry air really made her unable to stay outside for too long. With a break in the middle, it took her even longer to check every house in the suburbs.

Coming out of the last house, she saw a path leading out of the residential area. Out of curiosity, she walked along the path for more than forty minutes, and then saw a large area covered with countless ponds. From her position, she can see countless big fish, prawns, clams, octopus and other seafood bouncing around in the pond.

When she recovered from the surprise, she didn’t care about the hot weather, and ran towards the pond with a smile on her face. Imagine herself enjoying a seafood feast, who cares about the heat? She sure doesn’t care!

With excitement, she soon came to the pond area and started taking everything from the area. It is really lucky that she trains hard every day without being absent even one day. Otherwise, with her mental strength and spiritual power at a lower level, she would not be able to bring the pond into her spirit courtyard.

As she moved quickly, she brought those ponds into her spirit courtyard, and within her spirit courtyard, countless ponds appeared one after another on the meadow beside the animals’ sheds. The strange phenomenon frightened the animals in her spirit courtyard so much that they dared not move. After she plundered the pond area, only countless square-shaped deep pits remained in the vast empty land.

Seeing that there was nothing left, she hurried back to her spirit courtyard to check. Appearing in the meadow not far from the cowshed, she saw those ponds arranged neatly. With her spiritual power, she created another waterway and carefully connected each pond. She wants the water to move so that the water will not stagnate. In the future, with a running water system, the water animals will be better in quality.

She worked for hours, arranging the waterways and arranging those places for her animals. After that, she hurried back to her house to take a shower. After soaking for a long time, she went to prepare breakfast and began to organize today’s harvest.

After working for a long time, she glanced at her watch, and saw that the outside world’s time only passed for ten minutes. Yawning, she cleaned the kitchen, shut down her laptop, and went back to her bedroom to sleep. After several hours of work, she was so tired that she was drowsy.

Walking to the third floor, she opened the master bedroom and lay on the bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep. After sleeping for ten hours, she woke up naturally, feeling refreshed. Habitually, she picked up her watch and checked the time.

Only twenty minutes had passed outside. Seeing that it was still noon outside, she decided to practice in the spirit courtyard until evening before going out. It’s just too hard to walk outside under the scorching sun and hot weather. Getting up to wash her face, she started her day in a good mood.

Murong Jiao is still happily working in the comfortable spirit courtyard, but other human races didn’t have that privilege. As the temperature rose every hour after the apocalypse, those animals and plants that failed to mutate began to die one by one. The heat has also dried up water sources around the world. Although the water is no longer drinkable, it can still be used for other purposes.

With the disappearance of water and food, the competition for supplies and resources has intensified. Ordinary people are now unable to drink enough water or eat enough food, while systems and orders begin to crumble. More than half of the world’s leaders have either turned into zombies or died, and there is a big power struggle movement everywhere.

It’s only been three days since the apocalypse began, yet over sixty percent of the world’s population has already died. They either turn into zombies when the apocalypse begins, die of starvation and dehydration, become zombies’ meals, or are killed by other humans for resources. Hidden families start to appear one by one and take over control of the country.

With the central government in chaos, these families did not miss the opportunity to gather followers and supplies. On the fourth day after the apocalypse, the first safe zone was established. The owner of this safe zone is not the central government, but the hidden boss of the underground.

No one has seen this hidden boss or knows the gender of the boss. They all only called the boss the Dark Emperor. Relying on the unlimited resources and military strength of the Dark Emperor, this first safe area slowly turned into the first base in the country, as a large number of survivors went there. Including Murong Jiao’s seniors and classmates. But Murong Jiao didn’t know all of this.

When she finally came out of the spirit courtyard, the moon was already hung high in the night sky. She pulled out her off-road car and drove to her university. Her next targets are malls and hospitals. In order to get to the nearest mall and hospital, she needs to go back to her university.

When she was working in the spirit courtyard, she had already chosen her next target. Not far from her university, there are several big hospitals and shopping malls. Although she was an orphan who was able to go to university on a scholarship, other students who attended her university were different. Almost all of them came from wealthy families, only the other two students besides her who also depend on scholarships.

Therefore, those shopping malls and medical centers near her university are the best in this J City. It is better to go there to collect supplies than to go to the densely populated city center. These malls and medical centers around her university have fewer visitors but higher prices for merchandise. The number of zombies is naturally less than other places.

When she drove to the gate of the university, she parked the car on the side of the road and turned on the navigation in the car. But after waiting for a long time, the navigation still doesn’t work. Staring at the loading interface, she took out her phone and unlocked it.

When she sees the no connection icon in the upper right corner of the screen, she knows there are no more phone connections and internet. Before long, there will be no more water or electricity. How come she knows about this?

The answer is simple. Those cables and power plants would catch fire because of the rising temperature. Either it was too hot and melted the cable, or it was too hot and directly caused a fire. In terms of water supply, although the pipes are buried in the ground, it is not surprising that the pipes will melt under such conditions at the high temperature of asphalt.

Sitting in the car with the air conditioner turned on, she looked outside. Although it was already midnight, the street was still so hot that her eyes were blurred. Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she couldn’t help but sigh.

‘What should I do if the temperature continues to rise? Should I find a safe place to settle down, or hide in my spirit courtyard? But how long will I have to hide in the spirit courtyard?’

While she was still thinking deeply, she saw a few figures running out from the school gate, and ran in another direction. Out of curiosity, she quickly turned off the car and put it away, took out her backpack and baseball bat, and chased after those shadows.

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