After death, I transmigrated into a little white fox – 00


Author : Fleeting Dawn

Editor : Autumn Wind Blowing Leaves

Beep.. Beep.. Beep..

In one of the hospital’s intensive care units, a young girl lies on a bed covered with a thin blanket. A number of machines were beeping, monitoring and supporting her body. As her brain degenerated, her body could no longer function.

Outside her room, several doctors in white coats were talking to a middle-aged woman.

“Doctor, is there no way we can save my niece?” the middle-aged woman asked, choking. Tears rolled down her haggard face.

Those doctors looked at the middle-aged woman with self-blame and helpless eyes, and then shook their heads. “We are really sorry, Mrs. Jiang. We tried everything to save Miss Liu, but her condition did not improve at all. Her condition is unknown, and with our current technology, Miss Liu cannot be cured,” a doctor whispered. 

Mrs. Jiang bit her pale lips and said in a trembling voice, “Qingqing must be in pain. I should let her go, right?”

The doctors looked at each other and nodded. Seeing the doctor’s answer, Mrs. Jiang couldn’t help crying. She knew she should have spared her niece, but she was her sister’s only daughter. She was raised from a young age to the one she is now. How could she be willing to let her little niece go like this?

‘Aunt? Why is my aunt crying so sadly? ‘

Lying on the hospital bed, Liu Qinghe could hear the sounds around her. Although she was in a coma, her heart was always awake. She knows what happened to her.

She didn’t know how long she had been unconscious. After that night, she fell into a coma, unable to open her eyes or move her body. It was as if she was trapped in her own body.


Mrs. Jiang walked in wearing a mask, gloves and protective clothing. Standing beside Liu Qinghe’s bed, she squeezed her slender palm and sobbed: “Qingqing, I’m sorry. Auntie is useless, I can’t save you. My poor Qingqing… You must be in pain.”

Mrs. Jiang couldn’t help crying when she saw the needles stabbed in her body. Beating his chest, “Qingqing, do you want Auntie to let you go? But Auntie is not reconciled, you are still so young. Your life has just begun, yet you…”

Liu Qinghe wanted to comfort her aunt and tell her that she didn’t feel pain and that she didn’t need to feel sorry for her. But no matter how much she tried to open her mouth, her body didn’t respond.

Mrs. Jiang cried for a long time, and finally decided to let her go. Her eyes were swollen, she stroked Liu Qinghe’s face and said, “Qingqing, auntie will donate your organs as you wish. If…if you meet your mother there, tell her aunty is sorry. I’m sorry for not taking care of you. I’m sorry to disappoint her. My lovely Qingqing, auntie will pray that you will be reincarnated into a good family that loves and cares for you.” After she finished speaking, she kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

‘Auntie, I really appreciate your kindness to me. Thank you for all your love, care and sacrifice, Auntie. Qingqing loves you.’

She said these words in her heart. She knew that in her current situation, there was no way to be saved. She could feel her brain dying. After some time, the doctor and Mrs. Jiang came to the ward together. She could hear the doctor’s movements.

“Mrs. Jiang, we need your signature on the donation documents.” A young doctor said, handing stacks of documents to Mrs. Jiang.

Looking at the documents, her swollen eyes flushed red, and a tear rolled down her face. She took the documents with trembling hands and signed them one by one. Agreed to donate her brain for research purposes and organs that are in good condition for transplant.

’Her Qingqing promised to donate every part of herself to save the lives of others. But what about herself? She can’t even have a full body after her death.’

Mrs. Jiang signed the documents, and tears fell on the documents, leaving wet traces on each document. All the doctors in the room bowed their heads towards the girl lying on the bed. After the doctor received the documents, he said in a hoarse voice, “Mrs. Jiang, please.”

For brain-dead patients, the hospital will have the patient’s family or guardian press a button to stop all supporting machinery. But if the family can’t do it, the doctor will do it for them. This is a very difficult decision for the patient’s family and can sometimes be traumatic for the family.

Mrs. Jiang went to bed. Holding Liu Qinghe’s hand, she stroked her face and said, “Qingqing, it won’t hurt anymore. You can go to sleep now.” She pressed the red button on the main machine with trembling hands.

beep… wwuunngg…

The accompanying machines were shut down one by one until only the working heart monitors remained.

Beep.. beep.. beep.. beepppp….

The heart rate monitor sounded slower and slower until only a long, flat tone remained. Mrs. Jiang cried when she heard the dull voice. Holding Liu QingHe’s slowly cooling body, she cried in despair.

“Patient Liu Qinghe, 21 years old, female. Time of death, June 21, 2106, 00:01 am.”

This was the last sentence Liu QingHe heard before her mind went blank and her soul floated out of her body.

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