The Apocalypse Merchant – 18

Chapter 18

After leaving the post station, Murong Jiao quickly found a secluded alley. Making sure that no one saw her and there were no surveillance cameras, she flashed into her spirit courtyard. Appearing in the living room, she placed her backpack and baseball bat on the low table and went to the kitchen.

Opening the refrigerator door, she took out a glass bottle containing cold water and went to get a glass. She quickly poured out the cold water and drank it in one gulp. After drinking another glass, she put the glass on the table contentedly.

“Haa… I feel alive again.”

Feeling better, she took off her leather jacket and put it in the laundry basket. She looked at her soaked clothes, smelled herself, and hurried to take a shower. Standing under the scorching sun for several hours, she felt that she had become a salted fish. The water on her body evaporated together with her sweat just now.

Sitting in the bathtub, she enjoyed the bath slowly while thinking about what she wanted to do in the future. Before the end of the world, she wants to be a researcher. But after the apocalypse, she felt that she couldn’t do it.

Although there are countless experimental subjects after the apocalypse due to the mutation, there are no facilities for research. Even if there is an institution that can do research in the future, she is not sure that she dares to join. Thinking about it this way, her dream of becoming a researcher must have come to naught. She leaned on the bathtub and sighed deeply.

‘What should I do? What can I do?’

She thought for a long time, and she didn’t come out of the bathtub until the warm water turned cold. After washing, she walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. While wiping her long wet hair with a towel, she went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Although she can cook, she is too lazy to cook for herself. With the towel around her neck, she opened the refrigerator and took out a cup of mango pudding, then went to the study room. Sitting on the gaming chair, she began to check her supplies. Her daily job is not to update the quantity of her supplies, but to take a look. That is because her ancestors have made an automatic system that can list everything in the warehouse building to the main server.

After checking the supplies, she suddenly had the idea of ​​starting a business. If she opened a food stand selling cold food suitable for hot weather, she could make a lot of money while putting her supplies to good use. Thinking of the fresh milk room in the warehouse building, she glanced at the cup of pudding on the table.

Cold and fresh puddings are perfect for hot weather. But in this apocalypse world, not many people will buy it, and not many people have the ability to buy it. She looked at the computer screen, saw a long list of numbers inside, and fell into deep thought.

At the rate her livestock are growing, she has filled up a few warehouse floors in just a few weeks. The chicken is the fastest in reproduction. Although she is not afraid of running out of space, she still wants to make good use of her supplies.

Thinking of this, she turned on the laptop on the table and opened the recipe program. This is one of those programs that has an informative function. There are many other programs in this laptop that perform the same function.

When she discovered these knowledge based programs, she really thought her ancestors had wise minds. They even prepare support for their descendants in this way. She really admires them.

After the program finished loading, she clicked on the search bar, typed in ‘cold dishes’, and pressed Enter. She waits a few seconds and millions of search results appear. Looking at the astonishingly long list, she was no longer surprised. Because everything here is the result of the accumulation of generations. After such a long time, at least this much is normal.

Looking at recipes while looking at the dishes’ image, she decided to sell Chill Silky Pudding, Cool and Crunchy Chicken Salad, Smoked Iced Cocktails, and Blue Cheese Chicken Salad Sandwiches. After deciding what to sell, she wrote down the recipe in a notebook before leaving the study. As she walked down the stairs, she suddenly remembered the factory machines she had obtained earlier.

She checked the machines with her spiritual power and saw that there were many processing machines there. There’s also countless new processing machines she’d acquired from the warehouse area. After thinking about it for a while, she decided to use those machines to start producing instead of collecting from outside.

Since she decides to sell sandwiches, she needs to produce flour to make bread. She also needs to start brewing alcohol for her smoky ice cocktail recipe. Although a lot of things have been collected in the past few days, if she starts selling food, those supplies will run out one day. It’s better to produce everything yourself.

Everything was decided, and she started to get busy. Setting up a factory area in her spirit courtyard, taking care of her farm and livestock, exercising her mental and spiritual powers, and preparing enough food to sell. Fifteen days have passed in the spirit courtyard just like that.

Wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and trousers, with her long hair tied into a ponytail, Murong Jiao went to the mirror room. Seeing that it was already dark outside and the moon was high in the sky, she looked at her watch. With a smile on her face, she went downstairs to the living room.

On the low table in the living room, there are several ice boxes. After looking at the ice box, she picked up one and walked towards the mirror room. In the ice box, there were four kinds of dishes she wanted to sell with ten servings for each dish.

Standing in the center of the mirror room and waiting until no one was around, she flashed out from the spirit courtyard. Appearing in a dark alley, she headed down the street. The watch showed that it was past midnight, but the streets were still bustling.

Looking around, she spotted a soldier on patrol and approached him. With a smile on her face, she greeted the soldier.

“Good evening, sir.”

The soldier turned around and saw a petite young woman standing behind him, carrying a large ice box. He nodded at her, “Can I help you?”

“Sir, is there a market near here?”

The soldier pointed to the street on their left side and said, “Go along this street, turn left at the intersection, and walk another two hundred meters. There is a night market in the plaza in front. If you want to get supplies other than food, you must go to the day market. It’s in the central district. “

She nodded and said, “Thank you, sir.”

“No problem.”

Just when she was about to turn around, she suddenly paused and took out a glass of chill silky pudding. This is just an ordinary milk pudding, but it tastes sweet and refreshing. She turned to the soldier and said, “Sir, today is my first day to open a stall. This is for you, and thank you for telling me the location of the market just now. If you are free, come and have a look at my stall.”

Looking at the small cup of silky milk pudding in her hand, the soldier was a little surprised. Seeing that he was only staring at the pudding in her hand, she handed it to him. The soldier took the pudding in a daze, as she said, “Remember to visit my stall.”

Having completed her promotion, she left. Following the instructions of the soldier, she quickly found the night market. Standing there, she looked at the bustling night market for a while. Looking at the bustling scenery in front of her, this base is a suitable place to live.

After the end of the world, the hardest thing to get besides supplies is safety. If this base can provide security, she doesn’t mind changing her residence status tomorrow. When she came back to her senses, she wanted to find someone she could ask.

She searched for a while, but so far no one was willing to help her. She was not discouraged, and checked at the prices while walking around at the night market. Stopping in front of a food stall, she squatted down in front of the cloth stall.

“Boss, how do you sell this?”

The stall owner looked at the small packet of biscuits she was pointing at and said, “Two contribution points.”

‘Is it expensive or not? There are only two biscuits in this single pack. So that means one biscuit is one point?’

She looked at the mineral water beside her. The bottle is the smallest size with only 125ml of water. Pointing to the mineral water, she asked, “How about this one?”

The stall owner squinted at her for a while before answering her. “Three contribution points.”

Nodding her head, she continued to look at other things in the stall until the stall owner’s displeased voice came from above her head. “Miss, don’t block my business if you can’t afford it.”

She smiled apologetically at the stall owner and said, “I’m sorry, boss.”

After saying that, she left the stall and went to other stalls to have a look.

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