The Apocalypse Merchant – 04

Chapter 4

Six hours passed before Murong Jiao woke up. The moment she opened her eyes, a pungent smell hit her face. She couldn’t help but vomit on the bathroom floor.

“Uh… What a nasty smell…”

Pinching her nose, she looked down at the water in the bathtub and almost fainted again. It was blacker than ink and smelled worse than any sewer in the world. Standing up with one hand supporting herself, she quickly got out of the bathtub and opened the bathtub hole. The water was quickly sucked into the hole, leaving only some on the bathtub wall.

She picked up the shower head, turned on the water, and started cleaning the bathtub and the vomit off the floor. After everything was cleaned up, she was relieved. Looking at her own body, she hesitantly sniffed her arm and her face suddenly wrinkled. She smells like the black water!

Unable to wait for even a second, she took a shower and washed her hair and body four times before the pungent smell dissipated. After taking a shower, she smelled her hair and arms again, and nodded with satisfaction. Although she is not a beautiful woman, she is someone who loves cleanliness.

Coming out of the bathroom feeling refreshed, she calmly dried her body and got dressed. Before, she didn’t have time to take a good look at the spacious house. Now, she felt that she could get familiarized with this spirit courtyard.

With her previous experience in the warehouse, she walked to the study and saw a set of computers on the table. Nodding in approval, she sat down on the comfortable gaming chair and turned on the computer. Looking at the setting, she knew that it was her father who prepared the computer and gaming chair. She also has the same gaming chair and computer at home.

Smiling at her father’s love for her, she waited for the computer to finish loading and then opened the programs on the desktop. While learning the programs one by one, she spent the rest of the day in the spirit courtyard. After she finished learning, she already knew that the speed of time in this spirit courtyard was thirty times faster than that of the outside world.

How to use it, what needs to be done, she already knows everything. Tapping on the large table with her fingers, she fell into deep thought. From what she understands, one of her ancestors was a hoarder. Especially seeds and food.

This ancestor lived in a time of famine, and wars between nations never stopped. With her ingenuity and hard work, she was able to make the Murong family become one of the founding families in history. According to the notes she left behind, countless seeds can be found in the warehouse.

And now, the end of the world is here, and she doesn’t know if the land and water can be used to cultivate plants anymore. From the report of her classmate, she was sure that the soil could no longer be used. As for the water, even if it hadn’t been polluted by that strange substance before, it should have been polluted by those zombies. It is not safe to use the water from the outside world any longer.

Thinking about this, Murong Jiao decided to start making full use of those empty farmlands. She stood up and walked out of the house. Standing in front of the vast empty farmland, she closed her eyes and summoned her power as instructed in the introduction on the computer. Ten minutes later, she finally opened her eyes and looked at her open palms.

Looking at the water floating on the palm of her left hand, and a small bud floating on the palm of her right hand, her red lips evoked a happy smile. Taking a deep breath, she turned the water and little bud back into an energy form and took them back. Satisfied with her own talent, she happily went to the warehouse and started her plan.

She stayed in the spirit courtyard for two months, that is equal to two days in the outside world, and planted countless seeds before she came out of the spiritual court. Although all the seeds she knows have been planted, the planting space still cannot be used up.

There are many seeds that she has never seen, that she has not planted yet. As soon as she appeared in the living room, she heard a commotion outside. Walking quickly to the door, she looked through the peephole.

In the corridor of the dormitory, a group of men and women were fighting with several zombies. Seeing how fierce the men were beating the zombies, she could guess that they were here to save their girlfriend. After thinking about it, she turned and left the door.

She is better off alone because she cannot reveal her spirit courtyard to anyone. She also can’t trust anyone, because the hardest thing to grasp is the human’s heart. Sitting on the couch in the living room, she took out the backpack and a baseball bat that she had prepared earlier from the spirit courtyard.

After taking the spirit creation pill, her strength and physical fitness surpassed that of ordinary people. It wasn’t hard for her to swing this baseball bat. Moreover, she can smash the heads of zombies to pulp with it.

Looking at the backpack and baseball bat on the low table, she waited until there was no more noise outside. After waiting for a few minutes, the roar of the zombies stopped. She went to the door again and put her ear against the door. Only muffled voices came to her ears, and she listened more intently to the conversation.

“…. is she?”

Closing her eyes, Murong Jiao put her ears closer to the door. This time, she could hear the conversation clearly.

“We don’t know her room number. Maybe she is not here anymore. Many people have left the building in the past two days.” A familiar female voice came through the door with heavy panting.

‘Isn’t that the voice of Senior Lan?’

“Didn’t you say you’ve seen her before?” After a long silence, a man’s frustrated voice came.

Murong Jiao knew who the owner of this voice was. It’s Baili Jun from the Faculty of Weapon Science. After listening for a while, she already knew who those people outside were. One is senior Baili Jun, then the other must be senior Lan Xiangchen.

Their love and hate story is a legend in this university. Even a loner like her knows about their story. As ex-fiance and ex-fiancée, the two geniuses are still in contact with each other to this day. Rumor has it that their families are the ones that are forcing them to break off their engagement. These two are Romeo and Juliet in real life.

Sighing at their pitiful love story, she keeps listening to their conversation. It seems that senior Baili Jun came to look for someone, and senior Lan Xiangchen said that she knew where that person was. But now, she says she doesn’t know that person’s room number.

‘It seems that Senior Lan doesn’t want Senior Baili to find this person. This person is her rival in love? She was really pitiful, to help find another woman for the man she loves.’

Touching her nose, she couldn’t help guessing that the senior Baili Jun was looking for another senior living in this dormitory building. Shaking her head, she felt that their love life was too complicated, and even the dog blood novels she liked to read couldn’t compare to their relationship.

After the group briefly spoke, she heard them leave and go down the emergency stairs. When she could no longer hear their footsteps, she went to get her backpack and baseball bat. With a backpack on her back and a baseball bat in her right hand, she walked to the window.

Slightly opening the curtain, she looked outside. No living people walked or ran in the streets below anymore. Just as the zombies were chatting to each other with ‘hoo hoo hoo’ sounds, she saw that the seniors who were still arguing outside her door just now had already run out of the dormitory building.

Seeing four men and four women running through the streets, she sighed softly. Despite being covered in dirt, college idols are still handsome and beautiful. Putting down the curtains, she bravely walked towards the locked door. Now that the seniors have cleaned up the zombies, she has to leave.

Unlocking the door lock, she quickly opened the door and ran towards the emergency stairs. As she had expected, there were no zombies left on her floor or on the emergency stairs. Her journey to the ground floor was as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

When she came to the glass door, she observed the situation outside for a while, before she opened the glass door and ran out from there. She ran quickly towards the gate of the university. She had to leave this densely populated university and find a better place to stay. She must survive!

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